05.adobe After Effectsmr. Mac's Virtual Existence

Issue: You receive an error message (21::31) starting After Effects after using TextEdit to edit the After Effects keyboard shortcuts file

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  2. 05.adobe After Effectsmr. Mac's Virtual Existence Reality

05.adobe After Effectsmr. Mac's Virtual Existence According

If you use TextEdit on Mac OS X 10.9 (or later) to edit the After Effects keyboard shortcuts file, you receive the following error the next time you start After Effects:


MAC'S VIRTUAL EXISTENCE. Home Design/Media 10 Design/Media 20. Premiere and now we will begin to make our own videos from scratch using Adobe After Effects. Animate a logo or character. With After Effects CC, the industry-standard motion graphics and visual effects software, you can take any idea and make it move. There’s nothing you can’t create with After Effects. Animators, designers, and compositors use After Effects to create motion graphics and visual effects for film, TV, video, and the web.

After Effects error: preferences file 'Adobe After Effects 13.1 Mac en_US Shortcuts.txt' contains an unexpected value on line 142, ' 'Twirl' = ,Äú(macControl+`),Äú'. (21::31)

On Mac OS 10.9 and later, Smart Quotes are enabled by default in TextEdit. With Smart Quotes enabled, TextEdit automatically replaces the double-quotes character (') with the left or right double-quotation marks (“ or ”) as you type; After Effects doesn't recognize these marks as the correct delimiters for entries in the keyboard shortcuts file.

To solve this issue, do the following:

  1. Open the keyboard shortcuts file in TextEdit.
  2. Choose Edit > Substitutions and disable Smart Quotes.

You can also disable the Smart Quotes feature for all documents in the preferences for TextEdit.

  1. Edit the same line you edited previously to replace any left or right double-quotation mark characters (“ or ”) with the non-directional double-quotes character (').
  2. If turning off Smart Quotes does not solve the issue, double-check your entry for correct spelling and formatting.

Other typos or incorrect syntax in the keyboard shortcuts file will generate a similar error message.

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After05.adobe After Effectsmr. Mac05.adobe After Effectsmr. Mac

After Effects doesn't launch after you upgrade to Mac OS X beta

After you upgrade to a prerelease (beta) version of Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) or Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite), After Effects CS6 or After Effects CC doesn't launch.

To update After Effects CS6 or After Effects CC to the most recent version for Mac OS X compatibility, choose Help > Updates, or you can manually download the update version you need.

To keep informed about updates and related matters, subscribe to the After Effects team blog.

05.adobe After Effectsmr. Mac's Virtual Existence Reality

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