Meta Description

The meta description is a snippet of up to about 155 characters – a tag in HTML – which summarizes a page’s content. Search engines show it in search results mostly when the searched-for phrase is within the description. So optimizing it is crucial for on-page SEO. When thinking of improving your meta descriptions, keep the following two meta description tips front and center of your mind: Focus on the human aspect of it. In other words, write for humans, not for search engines. Think of what would make visitors’ click. What is a meta description? The meta description is an HTML attribute that provides a brief summary of a web page. Search engines such as Google often display the meta description in search results, which can influence click-through rates.

  1. Meta Description Character Count
  2. Meta Description Length
  3. Meta Description Example
  4. Meta Description Html

How to find and fix common meta description mistakes. The four common issues with meta descriptions are the same as those with title tags: Too long/short. Google says “there’s no limit on how long a meta description can be, but the search result snippets are truncated as needed, typically to fit the device width.” Doesn’t exist. The meta description defines the description of a page in just one or two sentences and is shown in search engine result pages. Due to this it’s a major driver behind your website’s performance in search engine result pages. Keep the following things in mind when writing meta descriptions.

Meta description is the key part of the blog post ignoring it means weakening the SEO level of your blog post. If you are an old blogger, definitely you will never make such a mistake, but beginners can make such a mistake due to the lack of information.

Most beginners need to pay attention to this because they publish only by writing the main content and don’t care about the post description at all. If you are also one of those who do not focus on post description, you need to change your habits and you have to pay attention to post description as well.

Meta Description

We will give you all the information about how to add meta description to the blog, but perhaps before you need to know that what is the meta description.

Steps for you

  • What is a Meta description? How to add meta description in blog homepage and post

What is a Meta description? How to add meta description in blog homepage and post

Meta description seo

Meta Description Character Count

What is meta description

Meta description has many other names such as search description, post description. So if any of these names are used on a blog, do not be confused, all these are one.

Meta Description Length

A meta description is an exact detail of the blog post, meta description is not just for a blog post, but every URL that is publicly and provides some information/content such as blog homepage, content, category, archive, etc. You can add meta description in it, and should also do so that you can make your blog SEO friendly.

Search engines also show the post meta description along with your blog post title in their search result, although as per need Google may show a part of your blog post as a meta description in the search result. But if you are adding a meta description to your blog search engine will display your meta description.


And even if you don’t add meta description to your blog post, search engines show meta descriptions in search results, which is a part of your content, but in such a situation it’s very difficult to say that your content is SEO friendly.

I hope you no longer have any doubt about what is meta description and now let’s know how to add meta description to the blog post.

How to add meta description to blog homepage


First, you have to install a plugin in your blog and then you will be able to add meta description to your blog posts very easily. Although there are many plugins available that will enable the option of meta description in your blog, I will recommend Yoast.

Because there are many advantages, Yoast SEO plugin not only provides the option to add meta description, but also provides many more options which helps to make our blog and blog post Seo friendly.

Install Yoast SEO plugin in your blog (go here for full set up of Yoast plugin how to set up Yoast Seo plugin)

Now some conditions apply next to it, such as whether you have created a custom homepage or using the default homepage. Follow this process if you are using default home page.

In the sidebar menu, you will find the option of Yoast SEO click on it, now in it click on the search appearance.

In General, you will get the option of Homepage & front page, enter the title of your blog in Seo title and just below that you will get the option of the meta description, enter your blog description and click on the save changes button.

Meta description has been added to your blog’s homepage, but if you have created a custom homepage in your blog, you will not get the option of editing meta homepage description in Yoast.

In such a situation, go to the post/page which you are using as a custom homepage and you will find a box of meta description in its footer, add meta description to it.

How to add meta description to blog posts

You have installed the Yoast SEO plugin in your blog and now let’s first set up Yoast meta box


Click on search appearance in Yoast and then click content types

Enable meta description box by clicking on “show” in Yoast Seo meta box (well, it’s default setting will be enabled)

Click on save changes button, Now edit any content or add a new content (just go to the content editor)

Meta Description Example

The way you write content as you do the setting, do everything in the same way, scroll the page to add meta description, and below you’ll find Yoast SEO option in which you’ll find many tools.

Meta Description Html

One of which is Google preview, click on edit snippet, below that the meta description editing box will be open, insert your description in it and click on the Close snippet editor.

Publish/update the post you have added meta description to this post similarly you can add meta description to all your other posts.